Monday, September 8, 2008

If you were stranded on a desert island.....

...and could only take two foods what would it be? So this is always a very simple question for me. I answer without too much thinking. Cheese and chocolate chip cookies (homemade). You need to know this in order to appreciate my quick story. Dan and I went to Kansas City this past weekend to go to a birthday party and we stayed with my sister. It was a great time. On the way home from my sisters a couple weeks ago, we stopped at Osceola Cheese and got some smoked cheddar cheese. It was fantastic! I loved smoked cheddar. We bought some at Wal-Mart after that and it just was not near as good. So after a little begging, Dan finally said that we could stop again. Ok, really not that much begging but just had to say that. I ran in to get some smoked cheddar cheese while Dan waited in the car. Well, I don't know if you have been there, but it is so full of cheese you don't even know where to begin looking. I knew exactly what I was looking for and since Dan was waiting I went straight to the smoked cheddar. I was looking at the prices and the sizes and thinking that I won't be back here for a while, so I bought a big ol' chunk. I get out to the car smiling from ear to ear and Dan was like what. I said don't get mad. Now he is really like oh great what is she going to say. So I pull out this log of smoked cheddar cheese. "What the hell, you won't shit for a month!" I start laughing because I knew he would have a reaction like this. I proceeded to tell him that I don't plan to eat it all tonight. Dan says well I sure hope not. Now he acts as though he doesn't enjoy the cheese, but he does. So if you are in the mood for some smoked cheddar cheese come on over I have plenty!!! Although, since it is my favorite I might limit you!!!!!


Danavee said...

HAHAHAHAHA! I want some!!!!!! Steal Rock Band from your niece, and we can play games and eat cheese!

Unknown said...

That's a good story! Did you know that they have an Osceola cheese store in Ozark now? It's right behind Lamberts. I don't know if they have all of the exact same cheeses, but it might save you from making a long trip if you ever a craving.

Whitney said...

Knock Knock.
(Who's there?)
(Cheese who?)
Cheese a funny girl who writes a great blog entry!

Jess said...

That was hilarious and probably the exact same thing Michael would have said to me. Very funny.

The Axtell's said...

Oh, A.J. only you would get that excited about cheese. Chocolate chip cookies I could understand. When I saw the title of your blog I thought it was going to be something about the lesson when you have to decide what you would take to the island - just so you know none of my students have ever said they would take cheese.

samsarah4 said...

that is friggin funny!! i could just see you smiling and dan HAVING to say something smart ass.

Anonymous said...

You are too funny. I am glad I got to see you tonight but would love to see you outside of a school function. Miss you woman.