Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A great first impression!

Well, as many of you know I am going to be teaching 6th grade again this year. In order to do this, I had to move buildings. I think I have talked about this before. So the move was going ok. I really like everyone that I am working with and they are all very helpful. I am starting to feel somewhat comfortable, but honestly it will take me a while to feel like I am part of the building. Well I was trying to finish up decorating my room. I thought I had a really cool idea of what to do on one wall. In order to do this I need to copy some things on overhead transparencies. So I grabbed a couple and headed down to the office. I put it in the copier and started the machine. And then.........ERROR!!! I had flippin' used the wrong kind of transparency and it had MELTED and was stuck in the machine! Well, isn't this my lucky day. I felt like such an idiot. Why the heck do I have transparencies you can't copy on??? I had to get the secretary to help me. I felt so horrible. I think she was a little bit irritated at me, but was very patient. I cannot believe that I did that. After about 20 minutes we finally got it fixed. Although we did take a chunk out of one of the rollers, it still seemed to work. So I went back to my room hanging my head low and thinking I feel like a complete idiot. What a great impression to make on the secretary. I am sure you are thinking oh poor thing didn't get to finish her cool idea. Oh not to worry, I found the right kind of transparency. I will say that my heart was a poundin' when I put that first one in and I was giving a good shout out for someone to make this work. Luckily it did not melt!!!! I will take pics and post next time so you can see how important the copies were :~)


Danavee said...

You poor thing!!!!!! Even though I can completely sympathize (I've done that myself) I am laughing. I can see it happening right now!

Whitney said...

I'm flippin' paranoid right now. Do they label the good kind of transparencies from the bad??? Tell me exactly where to look on the box. That must've been so nerve-wracking. Thanks for the laugh (and the lesson).

Andrea said...

Well they do say so on the box, but the ones I used were not in a box. I think just right on top of the box. It was horrible!

samsarah4 said...

OHHH that sucks. I can't wait to see pics of your masterpiece!!