Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Life stinks sometimes!

Have you ever had one of those days when life just isn't as great as you would like? Well, today was one of those days for me. It is really hard for me to understand why it is that some people can be the way they are. I guess I have always tried to be a nice, kind person and tried not to be mean or hateful to others. Now I know that I am not perfect by any means, but I do try to be nice. Why is it that when you are trying to do good and do your job you can almost be put down by others for it? I don't understand. In many professions you get rewarded or praised for doing a good job and working hard. For some reason I feel like in education that when you work hard and put the extra effort in you get ridiculed by others. Why oh why would you want to be that way to someone? I just don't understand it at all. Can someone fill me in???


Danavee said...

Plain and simple: Jealousy. You are GREAT, GIVING, and DESERVING. Don't let anyone drag you down. They are jealous that they aren't as spectacular as you, so they have to make you feel bad just to make them feel good. YOU ROCK. Don't forget that!

Andrea said...

Thanks Danavee!!! It was much better the next few days!

Andrea said...

Thanks Danavee!!! It was much better the next few days!