Thursday, September 3, 2009

Oh wonderful blog!

Dear blog,

I am so sorry it has been forever since I have touched your wall. I know that many wait and anticipate a wonderful piece of writing from me. Time has just been slipping away and I feel like I can barely keep my head above water at times. So please forgive me for I will soon be back to filling up your wonderful wall soon!



Danavee said...

Cracking up! Good one, and yes, some of us DO wait with excited anticipation for new blogs from you :)

Whitney said...

Totally! We miss your entries, but I understand about the busy-ness!!!

samsarah4 said...

OHH how I understand! I can't wait to write in mine again too! It will be a long one since so many new things have been happening! Will be waiting with anticipation for your next blog!!

Andrea said...

I've had that problem too....and yes, I do frequent your blog waiting for the next one!